Joseph Lucki
1918 - 2009Joseph Walter Lucki age 90
passed away May 31, 2009 in Alexandria, Virginia
He was born in 1918 in Muskegan, MI
to Michael and Paraska Lucki
He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1935 at the age of 17. His first service was on the
battleship Arkansas. During World War II, he was an aviation machinist’s mate
onboard the carrier Enterprise. He was also a tail gunner on SBD dive bombers.
He drove landing craft under fire during the amphibious assaults on Guadalcanal and
other battles, and was therefore entitled to wear the Presidential Unit Citation
awarded to the First Marine Division. He served in the Navy for 22 years, retiring
honorably in 1957 at the rank of Chief. He later retired from a civil service job as a
machinist at North Island, Coronado, and settled in San Diego.
He was preceded in death by:
parents, Michael and Paraska Lucki
siblings, Michael Lucki and Mary Basczcyk and
wives Helen Lucki and Gladys Lucki.
Joe is survived by:
daughters, Josie Teitsworth, Stacia Roesler, Shirley Jackson and Donna Klein
sons, Billy Burch and Robert Burch
nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and other relatives too numerous to list
Funeral Mass will be held on Saturday, June 6, at 10 AM at St. Michael’s Church in
Paradise Hills, CA with burial immediately following at Holy Cross Cemetery in
San Diego, CA.